| 1. | Cognitive dissonance is also applied to a perceived incongruity between a person's attitudes and his behaviour . 认识分歧也用于指一个人的态度和他的行为之间可以看得出来的不一致。
| 2. | Cognitive dissonance is a well established psychological concept 认知分歧是一个久经确立的心理概念。
| 3. | Theory of cognitive dissonance 认知失调学说
| 4. | If ethical commitments vary among subsidiaries , these assets will be diluted due to the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance 倘若各附属公司的道德承诺不一致,该等资产将会因为认知分歧而被削弱。
| 5. | Psychologists call this “ cognitive dissonance ” ? the ability to make acompelling , heartfelt case for one thing while doing another 心理学家称这种现象叫“认知失调” ? ?说着让人信服的大道理,却做截然相反的勾当。
| 6. | Psychologists call this “ cognitive dissonance ” ? the ability to make a compelling , heartfelt case for one thing while doing another 心理学家称此为“认知失调” ? ?虽然做的是一套,嘴上说的另一套却能使人由衷信服。
| 7. | Psychologists call this “ cognitive dissonance ” ? the ability to make a compelling , heartfelt case for one thing while doing another 心理学家称之为“认知上的不一致” ? ?在做一件事时制造出对另一件事的引入关注、动人心魄的效果的能力。
| 8. | If a mnc has one set of ethical standards in the home country and different ethical commitments in host countries , cognitive dissonance will be created 假若跨国企业在国内的道德标准与在东道国家所作的道德承诺有所不同,便会构成认知分歧。
| 9. | To prevent the negative consequences of cognitive dissonance , the moral climate of the mnc should include standards that are applied universally , i . e . , in both the home country and in host country subsidiaries 为防止认知分歧做成的负面后果,跨国企业的道德气候应包括一套全球适用的道德标准,就是说在国内跟在东道国家的附属公司的道德标准应该一致。
| 10. | Topics include : trust , vengeance , fairness , impatience , impulsivity , bounded rationality , learning , reinforcement , classical conditioning , loss - aversion , over - confidence , self - serving biases , cognitive dissonance , altruism , subjective well - being , and hedonic adaptation 课程主题包括?信任、复仇、公平、躁急、冲动、有限理性、学习、强化、经典条件作用、 ?避损失、过度自信、自助偏差、认知失调、利他主义、主观福祉感、享乐适应。